
Ending story from the manga One Piece

is obtained directly from the site Eichiro oda!eventually the group will have 10 straw hat crew ..I think hancock will join them .. and the other crew would probably be found at a place in the "New World" ....whole Sichibukai will be defeated by the Straw Hats and Shanks Group ...

while the World Govt will be defeated Whitebeard groups and pirate gangs over their revenge 11 Supernovas (Ace Whitebeard did not receive nearly died, while 11 Supernovas will avenge their defeat against Kizaru)

It will then unfold the secrets of the world 400 years ago as Robin managed to read ponelglyph and will know that there used to be a great empire that ruled the world and the kingdom is the kingdom meant by professor of Ohara ... ternayata kingdom formerly ruled by people with the name 'D '... and for some a cause, a group calling itself the World Govt (Gorosei involved directly, because Gorosei youthful age, it can live up to now) managed to royal coup' D 'is ...And is known from the royal family tree, Monkey D Dragon is the last descendant ... which is why Dragon leads a revolutionary to take over the world who belong to the kingdom of his ancestors actually ...then conclude that LUFFY and Robin ACE crown prince 'D' is, because he is the son of dragon ...Raftel finally revealed the secret island that was the center of the island kingdom 'D' ... Gold D roger, who is also a descendant of the royal D deliberately keep ancestral land in one piece, because he believes that one of the persons name who will get ONE D PIECE ..a treasure that not only contains a wealth, fame tetapai well, and peniggalan royal 'D'Luffy will win the final battle against Raftel Shanks on the island ... and ended with the collapse of the World Govt and the end of the pirate era!!!!
reference material:the fact that the group will have 10 Straw Hat crew and Luffy vs Shanks last fight I got from the official website Eicihro Oda. Oda divulge the ending result of one piece ..So now, just stay Shichibukai 1 is Marshall D. Teach. Shicibukai others:- Boa Hancock in the pull position because he followed Luffy and the government betrayed- Zoro beat Mihawk already at the time of the World war Govt. Pirates vs. Whitebeard, Shanks and Hats- Jimbee already lost it Luffy in Impel Down- Gecko Moria is correct - right on beat one from the Whitebeard Pirates- Barthollomew Kuma and his pasifista already in defeat Shanks and his crew in a big war- Doflamingo Luffy defeated in the Great War.Another important figure who has lost:- One of Gorosei- Admiral KizaruThe big battle finally win by Whitebeard, and Mugiwara Pirates Shanks. In the current World Govt. (Government) is in turmoil, with the government betrayed Teach destroying headquarters and navy admiral Akainu incited to join the group. They (Teach and Akainu) working together against the high Admiral Sengoku and Aokiji admiral. Too bad it defeated them both Sengoku and Aokiji could escape. Teach Mugiwara slander that has been destroying the headquarters of the Navy but now Luffy're dealing with Kaidou pirates.Because the government angry, their target is the Mugiwara. Well, at the moment the Government attacked Hats, Aokiji was helping them. Eventually all be in defeat Gorosei Hats and Aokiji. Aokiji says: "the state of the world is falling apart, there must be someone who claimed that One Piece is a peaceful world". Finally, Aokiji joined the group Teach Mugiwara to fight.-Long story on the island Raftel: Mugiwara Kaizoku vs Kaizoku Teach "-end of the story, can luffy beat Teach and get One Piece.In the One Piece contains many treasures and a letter containing:"I already knew you were going to get it, Luffy. Immediately end the pirate era filled with bloodshed this!Spread all the peace in the world! "- Roger Gold Dream -Now all full members mugiwara:Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Hancock, Rayliegh & Aokiji!Apsti the goals and dreams of the Strawhat Pirate crew will come true ..> Monkey D. Luffy become the Pirate King .. (Munkin will beat Shichibukai, Marine officer, World.Gov and Yonko.)> Roronoa Zorro become the greatest swordsman (Mihawk Beat)> Nami will draw the whole map of the world ...> Usopp being brave heroes around the ocean and the island of Erbaf hero ..> Sanji find sea All Blue (and oceans after Raftel is ocean that had been dreamed Sanji: All Blue.)> Nico Robin will find the missing 100-year history ..> Chopper a great doctor who will be able to cure all diseases ..> Franky a great carpenter and makes a great boat and sailed all the seas Grand Line (Thousand Sunny)> Brook will keep its promise to meet up with Laboon

Translated from:  http://seputarduniaanime.blogspot.com/2012/07/akhir-kisah-dari-manga-one-piece.html

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